Southeast Tech Prep Newsletter- June 2023

Jun 1, 2023

Southeast Tech Prep Newsletter- June 2023

June 2023

News From The Region: 

Click Here to check out an article recently written about SEO Tech Prep coordinator Tara Adornetto with Zane State and the use of the FlexFactor program in local schools in the region.

Applications are being accepted for 25 students to attend STEAM camp at Marietta College.
9th-12th grade students, FREE of cost, and overnight at the college!
If you have questions please email:

The Future is Now STEM Summer Camp at Belmont College!
July 24-28, 2023.

Please use the QR code to register!

For more information contact Valorie Reed at

WSCC has changed the Education Transfer program – extending the course schedule to include late afternoon classes, to support those who want to pursue a teaching certification.  This program will be taught as a Hyflex option between online and in-person classes. The application deadline is July 23rd. For more information about the Education Transfer program at WSCC: Click Here.

WSCC is also currently accepting applications for the POBA academy that will begin on August 15. Classes will run during the day Monday through Friday with some weekends and will conclude in December. Students who enroll in the academy are eligible to apply for a short-term certificate grant valued up to $2,000. For additional information, contact POBA Commander Joe Browning at

Belmont College to host Gymkhana robot races! 

July 8th at 10 am. No cost to enter and prizes will be awarded!

For more information contact Dr. Heather Davis at

News From the Department (ODE):

School districts with an interest in enhancing and/or expanding their work-based learning efforts in CTE could be nationally recognized and win a portion of a $2.5 million dollar prize pool.
Click here for more information.
Click here to sign up today!

The Find Your Career Pathway” video and toolkit aim to guide students in their educational journey to land a successful career in Ohio. Ohio is prioritizing opportunities for students to earn industry-recognized credentials that can fuel their success after high school. Industry partners play an integral role in how the list is formed and validated to ensure students are earning credentials that Ohio’s industries value.​
The Department requests that educators share this brief survey with business and industry partners to gather feedback that is used to determine which credentials are valuable in their respective industries.
Business and industry representatives can share their feedback in the industry-recognized credential feedback survey.
Direct questions to

Upcoming Events:

-OCTA Region 5 Summer Meeting: being held Tuesday, June 27th at Collins Career Center (11627 OH-243, Chesapeake, OH 45619)  from 10am-2pm. Click here to register! 

-2023 Summer Learning Series: Wednesday, July 12th from 9am-1pm virtually. Topics to be covered include credentialing, career advising, K-12 changes, and budget updates. Click here to register!

-Business Advisory Council Townhall: July 14, 2023, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm at The Central Ohio OhioMeansJobs Center (1111 E. Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43205). Join us for the first Business Advisory Council Townhall! The Ohio Department of Education will be recognizing the 2023 Business-Education Leader Awards for Excellent Business Advisory Councils with banners. Please RSVP

– Ohio ACTE Annual Conference 2023: July 24-26 at Hilton Easton, Columbus. Click here for more information and to register!

The SEO Tech Prep Region serves 25 counties.
Coordinators and counties of service are:

· Katie Good, Chief Administrator, Belmont College, 740.517.2207
Tara Adornetto, Zane State College, 740.588.1217– Holmes, Coshocton, Muskingum, Guernsey, Noble, & Perry
Melanie DiCarlo, Eastern Gateway Community College, 740.266.9707– Carrol & Jefferson
Karen Hicks, Washington State Community College, 740.374.8716 ext. 2110– Morgan & Washington
Harmoni Stamper, Shawnee State University & Rio Grande Community College, 740.464.2838– Adams, Ross, Pike, Scioto, Lawrence,   Gallia, Jackson, Vinton, Meigs, & Highland
Valerie Reed, Belmont College, 740.359.6369– Harrison, Belmont, & Monroe
Jessica Smith, Hocking College, 740.753.6451– Athens, Hocking, & Perry

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